Thursday, April 7, 2011

Astronomy Treats

I don't like to use the word "bribe" but sometimes giving my children an incentive really makes a difference.  In science, I use Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy, by Jeanie Fulbright along with the Notebooking Journal (an AWESOME invention). When filling in the answers to the "What Do You Remember" questions for each chapter, I have some expectations.  Being very partial to the Charlotte Mason method, I do not want slip shod work turned in.  I expect each of my children to answer the questions to the very BEST of their ability (which, since we review the chapters quite often AND I allow them to find the answers in the book if they don't remember, I expect them to get the answers right.)  Their work must have neat handwriting, and written in complete sentences. Unfortunately, not all my "students" were doing their best.  So, I came up with a plan that has really helped.  Now, instead of dreading those questions, they can't WAIT to do them.

We go over the answers together and then..... it's treat time! I will only give them treats IF they do their best.  Needless to say, I haven't had to deny anyone of their much earned reward.  I thought I'd share a list of the treats that I came up with.  They are all very sweet treats - something I don't always do, but I guess since it's only every other week, I allow it. I wish I had come up with it BEFORE we got started as we haven't used all of my brilliant ideas.  Do you use incentives for your children?

Lesson 1         What is Astronomy?      
Make a universe cake! w/ chocolate icing background, make planets using colored icing, sprinkle star-shaped sprinkles, colored balls for moons

Lesson 2        The Sun        
**Melt Hershey bar as indicated in the lesson using magnifying glass over graham cracker

Lesson 3          Mercury                      
**Edible Marine 10 (sugar wafers, grahams, pretzels,

Lesson 4          Venus                          
Red Hots

Lesson 5          Earth                           
Crush Oreo cookies into some chocolate pudding, mix, put more on top and add gummy worms (earth worms)

Lesson 6          Moon                          
Moon pies

Lesson 7          Mars                           
Mars Bars

Lesson 8          Space Rocks               
Pop Rocks

Lesson 9          Jupiter                         
Jaw Breaker

Lesson 10        Saturn                         
candy necklaces or gummy peach rings

Lesson 11        Uranus & Neptune      
Green & Blue Cotton Candy

Lesson 12        Pluto & Kuiper Belt     
**Homemade Ice Cream from lesson

Lesson 13        Stars & Galaxies          
Starburst candy

Lesson 14        Space Travel               
Astronaut Food Packs

** Indicates that this treat is already a part of the lesson mentioned either in the book or the notebook Journal

1 comment:

  1. Joane,
    Beautiful Blog! I actually remember making a cake myself. How fun!
    I think that your "bribe" technique, is actually pretty positive. Hardwork should be rewarded in a positive way. Life isn't always this way, but it should ALWAYS be positive when it comes to OUR CHILDREN learning. LOVE IT!
