Tuesday, April 30, 2013

In the Beginning

I love teaching Sunday School! I've been teaching Sunday School now for about 10+ years  - WOW! That makes me sound old! I guess one is as old as they feel, so, never mind. When my youngest was about a year old, I was asked to help with Sunday School as the sister who was the teacher was involved in taking care of the elderly couple where she resided with her two daughters and didn't feel she had enough time to prepare. When I started, we were in a very tiny room which served as a nursery as well at our old church that was next door to our pastor's house. We all have very fond memories there. Later, when we tried to add onto the existing building to accommodate the growing Sunday School class, we were shut down by the Planning and Zoning and had to find a different building. So we rented the Senior Center. That was very interesting and for a while was hard to get used to knowing that Bingo games and other worldly entertainment was going on during the week (perhaps that day on Wednesdays). And then there were usually two Christmas trees, one with socks and underwear hanging on them! By this time, I was teaching Sunday School pretty much alone and now my oldest daughter helps me.

After renting the Senior Center for about 3 years using the back room of that building for Sunday School, we were blessed beyond words with our very own church with a perfect sized Sunday School room! For the first time we were actually able to store our supplies right there in the closets that were provided for us - no more having to haul everything back and forth. Yea! However, I still have a nice big tote that I bring every Sunday with what I need for the day but that just doesn't compare :)

I thought I would start sharing some of my inspirations for Sunday School that I've been blessed with here. Today, I will start with pictures of the walls of the room. I've started again in Genesis (in the beginning) and also adding a character trait - right now we are learning about being responsible.

This is the bulletin board my daughters and I made. A close friend of mine gave me a binder full of bulletin board ideas called, "Bulletin Board Ideas" (Imagine that!) compiled by Tina Barringer. That's where I got my inspiration for this. I put plastic wrap across for the water effect.

In an effort to get the children to “hide God’s Word in their heart”, I found this poster board that looks like a scroll and wrote each of their names on foam stars with glittery glue. When they memorize their memory verse, they get their star up there.
You’ll also notice the Attendance Chart. That one is store-bought, but I’ll send you a picture of the new ones I’m making when I’m done. I decided that it was better for me just to make my own. Sorry, I don't have a picture of it yet.

To the left of this picture is a calendar. I got inspired last Christmas with calendars and decided that each year, I would have the children help me make a calendar for our class room using their art work. I write everyone’s birthdays on their birth date.
I LOVE pictures (in case you can’t tell) so we take pictures ever so often and I posted these around the dry erase board. Eventually, I want to start a Sunday School scrapbook/album.

Below are some spring flowers that the children have planted. Some of them we just planted last fall.


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